Tuesday, 31 May 2011

I kind of wish Freddie had been at the tree planting!


It was a magical day. So sad. But so right.
If you think this Queen link is completely incongruous, then you don't know our family obsession.
'Hurry back' my little one
Love your devoted Mummy xxx


  1. Bundles of hugs to you all and a special one for Bear. x

  2. Hi Alice
    I heard your interview on radio 4 some weeks ago, I cried. I think of you most days as I battle with my grief as a Nanny. My daughter gave birth to Mia at 39 weeks on 26th March this year, Mia was also sleeping, like Bear. Just like you she is a perfectly healthy young woman, non smoking, drinking etc etc but all that seems irrelevant and there is no justice in this world. I find myself thinking what the hell went so wrong, why us, everything was going to be so perfect for my daughter & husband and I think of you & your husband and my heart breaks for all of you. It's ten weeks since Mia was born and my daughter feels like you that more research is needed into stillbirth, she is focusing on fund raising for SANDS www.justgiving.com/miagiggle lets hope that something good will come out of this dreadful situation. As my daughters GP said to her, maybe the reason this has happened to you is beacuse 'You can make a difference'. Big hugs XXX

  3. Alice, no word from you for a few days on here, or twitter. Hoping and praying that you're managing OK, we do so worry when you go quiet!!!!

  4. i was thinking the same thing sending you lots of love x

  5. Can I say firstly what a beautiful web site, secondly how brave you are to post your very intimate thoughts. We can all think them but rarely can we share them.

    My wife Jo had been a text book mother during her pregnancy, she abstained from drinking alcohol from the moment that she knew that she was pregnant, had never smoked and ate all the things a Mum-to-be should eat. Jo had regular check ups, rested when she should and waited patiently for Abigail to arrive. At week 41 of her pregnancy Abigail passed away.

    We too have started fund raising for Sands, see our website http://www.abigailsfootsteps.co.uk/sands.asp.

    Since joining Twitter I have been saddened to see so many others have suffered a tragic loss as well. It is heartbreaking.

    Dont ever apologise for feeling low or miserable, thats your right, two years on from Abigails' birth I still have moments where i get incredibly angry, other times when I am not thinking about her she appears at the front of all my thoughts and I have no idea what triggered that to happen. I think its Abigail giving me a gentle nudge, not that I will ever forget her.

    Jo went on to have a baby boy who we named Reuben and is now expecting a baby girl. I am very mixed up about this as I dont want the new baby to be a replacement for Abigail. Jo however is delighted that she is carrying a girl. I have noticed men and women definitely view things in different ways, Jo and I have differing views on lots of things relating to Abigail but we both love her very much and miss her every day.

    I'm not sure if my posting has helped you in anyway, but I wanted to share our story with you.

    Keep strong

    With love and best wishes

    David x

  6. Hi,

    I'm just rediscovering music after my son Joel was stillborn in October 2010. Hope this particular song helps you and others.


    Annwen x

  7. Hi Alice

    Like others above I am checking your blog daily and would like you know I am thinking of you and hope you are ok. Although i don't know you your blog has helped me so much in dealing with my daughter that was stillborn at 41 week 10 weeks ago.

    Claire xx

  8. Hi Alice,
    I just saw your darling boy in Grazia - as soon as I saw his picture and nae I was sre it was you. Well done to your husband for highlighting the cause. You must be so proud. Wishing you a gentle future x

  9. Hi Alice

    I hope you're doing ok, I think about you and Bear often I'm really moved and humbled by your blog your a wonderful writer. I really hope lots of good things are coming your way.
