Monday, 25 April 2011

Thinking of you

Thinking of you, my darling boy.
Wishing so much that you were close. And alive.
I have cried oceans these past five months.
And every drop is for you.
My darling boy.


  1. I am thinking of you and your precious Bear today.

  2. Dear Alice, I've been thinking of you since I read the article in the Times. We've shared the same awful experience as I too lost a precious first born at 39.5 weeks -no reason found. Thank you for sharing your experience and trying to raise awareness about stillbirth and the pain it causes.
    I still sometimes shed tears for my baby and what should have been, she died 24 years ago but there's still an ache in my heart when I think of her. Gradually you will learn to live with what's happend and enjoy life once more, Bear would want that for you. You'll carry him in your heart for ever that is certain.

  3. hi my name is sophie im so sorry i know the numb feeling of loosing a child!!! i lost my son alfie joshua 22 november 2010 at 41 weeks and it haunts me every day the mess the hospital made!!! my waters had broken and they told me that i was wetting myself he died later that week of an infection, he remains in my heart forever and in my thoughts everyday. xxx
